Thursday, November 12, 2009

Finally a new kit!!!

I'm sorry I've been away for so long. It's been really busy around here, and now my 2-year old son has pneumonia. Our lives are never boring!

I've finally got a new kit in stores called At The Pumpkin Patch. It has 14 papers and 41 elements.

At The Pumpkin Patch has an optional alpha. The alpha contains upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.

I also have a couple new mini-kits in stores. When It Snows has 13 papers and 31 elements.

Autumn Harvest has 9 papers and 23 elements.

Last month I created some CU elements, although I didn't get them posted here. They are all photographed or scanned and extracted by me. They are PNG files at 300 DPI.

I hope you enjoy these new offerrings. Here's a preview of another CU item coming out soon:

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